Natalia Volotovskaya - Doctor of Medical Sciences, ophthalmologist, lecturer in the Department of Physiology from the Ternopil National Medical University named after I.Y. Gorbachevsky, a member of the National Union of Writers and Journalists of Ukraine, deeply understands all the reasons that, unfortunately, are now contributing to the destruction of the familiar world of children. At the same time, as a doctor, she clearly and thoroughly explains the connections formed under these conditions. Long-term stress causes irresistible denial of the surrounding realities and each child manifests itself in its own way. But there is one thing in common - the desire to escape from these experiences in a world where you can control everything. Therefore, the topic chosen by the scientist was "My phone is my fortress." Already from the first words, Natalia managed to capture the children, who vying with each other wanted to show their knowledge about the work of their body, how they take care of it. And then they all together tried to trace the sequence of visual fatigue, in particular, when working with gadgets.
Since Natalya Volotovskaya is both an artist and a writer, during this fascinating meeting the children ran to the blackboard and depicted how they represent health. Then the group enjoyed doing eye exercises that both strengthened and relaxed the muscles of the visual analyzer. Natalia herself says that such communication is very important.
In an interesting game form of art therapy, it is designed to convince children of the need to preserve their eyesight, as well as to develop an understanding of responsibility for their own health, including psychological. Building a healthy lifestyle is always important, and especially in times of uncertainty!