World War II is an armed conflict on a planetary scale involving two world military-political coalitions, which has become the largest in the history of mankind. More than 60 states with a population of 1.7 billion people participated in it, military operations took place on the territory of 40 of them. The scale of human losses of about 70 million people turned out to be unprecedented.
An important result of the Second World War was the complete victory over the ideology of Nazism. The entry of the USSR into the war as a result of the attack of fascist Germany was the main factor that determined its character. The Patriotic War was the decisive and most important part of the Second World War of 1939-1945. Despite different assessments of Russian and Western historians about the role of the USSR in World War II, they agree that the Great Patriotic War ended with a complete military-political, economic and ideological victory for the Soviet Union, predetermining the outcome of World War II as a whole.

The memory of the war is reflected in the literature that unites generations of people.
The whole tragedy of the war was conveyed by books written by writers who went along the dangerous paths of war. The books reflect all the cruel, but necessary truth so that humanity, having learned it, would be more prudent, warning humanity not to allow a repetition of the tragedy.
The opening of the exhibition was attended by students of language courses, compatriots with children, and guests.