The sick king sent his servant-artist to Christ with a letter and a request to come to Edessa and heal him, but if this is not possible, paint an image. Christ only washed his face, wiped it with a cloth, on which the image of the Savior was preserved, which became the first Christian icon. Many miracles and healings are associated with this canvas. In ancient times, fabrics with the image of the Savior were consecrated on this day.
During military campaigns, canvases were used as banners.
In peaceful life, in the most fair month, homespun linen was taken to the auction. The harvest of bread must be completed by the feast of the Dormition. It remained only to sow the winter crops. The bins are full - it's time to replenish the family budget and make room for new canvases. Long winter evenings ahead.
Source: https://www.culture.ru/materials/128688/tri-spasa-avgusta-med-yabloki-khleb