In recent years, this holiday is gaining popularity around the world. Enthusiasts of this industry are preparing a lot of interesting events for this day - family photo holidays, educational workshops from leading photographers, portfolio reviews, various competitions, exhibitions, quests and much more.
Saint Veronica, whose memory is associated with the Image of the Suffering Savior Not Made by Hands, has become one of the most popular folk saints, despite the fact that some church authorities and critical researchers have spoken out against the historical authenticity of Veronica and her legend.
According to legend, betrayed and condemned to martyrdom, Jesus Christ went to Mount Golgotha, carrying His cross to be crucified. The procession was surrounded by a crowd that accompanied the Savior to the suffering on the cross. Veronica merged with the human sea and followed Christ.
Exhausted, Jesus fell under the weight of the cross, and Veronica, taking pity on Him, ran up to Him, gave Him water to drink and gave Him her scarf to wipe the sweat from her face. Returning home, Veronica discovered that the holy face of the Savior was imprinted on the fabric. This veil of St. Veronica eventually came to Rome and became known here under the name of the Image Not Made by Hands...
In the Middle Ages, almost every church had an image of Veronica with her sovereign (sweat). In the mysteries of the Middle Ages, Veronica also took a strong place and is still the main figure of the sixth stop of the Way of the Cross.
It is believed that the name of Veronica is a distorted from the Latin vera icon ("true image") - the so-called "plat of Veronica", distinguishing it from other images of Christ. For the first time, the story of Saint Veronica appears in the apocryphal Acts of Pilate, dating back to the 4th or 5th century.

It should also be noted that World Photography Day is celebrated annually in many countries on August 19th. On this day in 1839, the French government, which bought the patent of the French chemist and inventor Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre (Daguerre) on the method of obtaining an imprint (daguerreotype), made the discovery of the daguerreotype the property of the world community - in other words, a wide range of ordinary people learned about the invention of the photographic prototype.