The holiday was established in the 5th century. The Holy Scriptures do not tell about this event; the apocrypha reports about the birth of the Mother of God. Until today, it has not been established exactly in what area the Virgin Mary was born. This could have happened in Jerusalem or Nazareth.
Tradition tells the story of the Virgin Mary's family: her parents Joachim and Anna were pious people, but did not have children until old age. The couple prayed earnestly for the sending of a child. And one day an angel appeared to Anna and announced the good news: their prayers were heard - a girl would appear in the family, who would be taller than all earthly daughters.
“For Her sake all the generations of the earth will be blessed. Name Her Mary,” said the angel. At the same moment, Joachim also had a vision. Nine months later, the couple gave birth to a girl, who, by order from above, was named Maria.
At this time, believers attend church and read prayers to the Virgin Mary.