Amateur Theatre Break is a group of non-professional actors from different parts of northern Slovakia. It brings together theatre actors from Orava, Kysuce and Turiec. They are mostly art school students who want to pursue their careers and develop their talent in the arts.
Let us recall that in February 2022 at the Aircraft Gallery (Bratislava) the theatre in cooperation with the non-governmental organization Ruslana and the European Fund for Slavic Literature and Culture presented a musical-poetic performance "Dialogues from the Russian Classics". This event had a great success among teachers and students of Slovak and grammar schools.
Due to the increased interest in the work of this ensemble, two premieres of a production based on Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky's "The Profitable Place" are planned for this year. They will take place on 18 and 19 December at the Aircraft Gallery of the European Fund of Slavic Literature and Culture. This play was not chosen at random. Apart from the topicality of the theme of the play itself, this year marks the 200th anniversary of the author's birth.
This hilarious comedy from 1856 is set in Imperial Russia, where director Mikhail Tomasi experimented with set design and transported the play's characters to the 1880s. The themes of corruption, bribery, education and morality have not changed since the 19th century, perhaps only the scenery and the people have changed.
We are thankful for any collaboration with educational institutions, with creative teams, with children and with their parents.
Translation: Dominika Lavrikova