The holiday dedicated to the day of commemoration of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, the creators of the Slavonic script. In addition, the Greek brothers translated the Gospel, the Breviary and the Psalter into Slavonic.
It is believed that the language we speak and write today originated over a thousand years ago. More than 400 million people in the world speak Slavic languages, the most common of which is Russian. Naturally, all Slavic languages developed individually with their own rules and forms. However, if you listen to the speech or look at the writing, it is easy to notice the common roots of the language, which was spoken by all the Slavs of the world hundreds of years ago.
Event ‘Living Word of Wisdom’ will take place in the library of the European Slavic Literature and Culture Foundation from May 24th to 27th to celebrate the Day of Slavic literature and culture. You will be able not only to get acquainted with books in Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Slovak, Czech, Polish, Croatian, Serbian and other languages, but also to try yourselves in the role of ancient scribes, learn to write with a pen in the style of illumination and Glagolitic script.
Don't lose interest in your native language and literature, read more and enrich your vocabulary!
Translation by: Simona Nagyová