The European Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture took part in a roundtable discussion organized by the Scientific and Methodological Center of Russian Studies in collaboration with the Department of Eastern and Central European History and Historical Russian Studies of Budapest State University. The theme of the roundtable was “Holocaust Research and Memory Politics,” and the event was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Budapest Ghetto.
The discussion was led by Ilya Altman, head of the Moscow Holocaust Memorial Center, and Professor Tamás Krausz. Among the guests were former Hungarian ambassadors, who shared their experiences in the field of Holocaust memory politics. Topics discussed at the meeting included the preservation of historical truth, real-life stories of Holocaust prisoners, and issues surrounding genocide.
For the Slovak representatives, the meeting with Ilya Altman held special significance. This activist and public figure had previously visited Bratislava with the “Holocaust” exhibition, which was hosted in the Slovak Parliament building, and had given an interview to the Russian editorial office of Radio Slovakia International, represented at the roundtable by N. Yadryshnikova.