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In awaiting of elections and ... acts of terrorism.

Author: The conversation was conducted by Alexander Frolov. 12/03/2012,  9:18 PM

Europe remains a target for supranational extremist groups. 

The regular EU summit, which took place on 9-10 March 2017 in the new building of the headquarters of the Council of the European Union in Brussels, has attracted special attention, since the agenda raised the issue of preserving the European project. In many respects this depends on how the EU will cope with the consequences of “Brexit” and two serious challenges: terrorism and uncontrolled migration. On this topic, the columnist of our newspaper talks with the President of the European Academy of Security and Conflictology (Slovakia), Professor Igor Bondarenko.

- Igor Ivanovich, what did the last summit decide in this aspect?

- Unfortunately, we have to admit that this issue was not directly considered on this summit. And this despite the fact that the summit was held ahead of the landmark elections in three countries - Holland, France and Germany, their results could shake the existing alignment of political forces in the European Union and reassess former political values throughout the continent. Obviously, the deciding factor in the behavior of voters at polling stations will be the issue of ensuring security in the broadest sense of the word. And this in turn is related to the neutralization of the two most prominent threats in Europe: terrorism and uncontrolled migration.

In this regard, we have to state that, regarding migration, there is practically no coordinated action from the EU leadership. Only if we do not take into account the established quotas for the reception of refugees. But the decision on quotas also led to significant disagreements. And it was only about 120 thousand refugees which were accumulated in Greece, Italy, Hungary and which were proposed to be distributed to other EU countries.

Migrants in their majority do not want to assimilate with the local population and to perceive the established age-old national traditions.

For example, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said, that the distribution of migrants by quotes threatens "European cultural and religious identity." In principle, it is difficult to disagree with him, because migrants in their majority do not want to assimilate with the local population and perceive the established age-old national traditions. On the contrary, people from the Near and Middle East, North Africa aggressively impose their views on the social order, not wishing to be neither law-abiding, nor industrious citizens.

Uncontrolled arrival of immigrants, including many individuals with combat experience, significantly increased the threat of terrorist attacks by Islamists. According to Europol, in 2015 there were 17 terrorist acts committed by jihadists. It is noteworthy that exactly the same number of terrorist acts was committed by them in Europe for the period from 2006 to 2014. In total, since 1970, about 12,000 terrorist attacks have been committed, but only about 0.5 percent of them were made by the radical Islamists. Now this numeral is growing rapidly.

- It is clear that to curb the gin that has escaped from the bottle it is necessary to have not only the European agreement, but also wider cooperation with Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia ... What is holding back the Europeans in this regard?

There are a number of factors. Among them is the invariable imposition by the ruling political elite and financial-oligarchy circles of their opinion to the West on the suspicion of the countries described above. There was also undisguised pressure from the past US administration. How will the new owner of the White House, Donald Trump, act, is not yet fully clear, but there is hardly any hope of radical changes in this matter.

There is one very serious thing. Europe is flooded with migrants not by chance. Apparently, there are forces that need the destabilization of the European Union. In favor of this speaks and some kind of strange helplessness of the Western special services in front of the growing threat of increased crime and terrorism. It comes to the absurd. In order to apprehend the criminal, whose identity is established, months go by. And people who have every reason to be suspected in involvement of terrorist activity, suddenly release and do not even have a proper monitoring on them.

- And what is the reason?

- I think that some financial circles would even benefit from the collapse of the EU. In this regard, we can talk not only about the threat of terrorism, but also about juvenile justice, the decline of education and the destruction of traditional family values under the pretext of the need for some kind of tolerance. The problem seems much deeper.

- Recently, UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres initiated the creation of a counter-terrorism department headed by one of his deputies. What can you say about this, especially since the UN already has a similar committee of the Security Council that was established after the events of September 11, 2001?

- Of course, the creation of a new structure within the framework of the entire UN aimed at coordinating the fight against terrorism can only be assessed positively. It is unlikely that the functions of the UN Counter-Terrorism Directorate will duplicate the functions of the relevant Security Council Committee, creating a bureaucratic mess. Terror, unfortunately, is a too large phenomenon, which, as show the events of recent years, is able to even form its own quasi-states and control significant territories. In this sense, the work is enough for everyone. Judging by the plan, the UN counter-terrorism department will receive a higher status.

It should be noted that the anti-terror unit already exists in the structure of the UN's political department. Antonio Guterres proposes to bring it to independent management. Thus, the fight against terrorism can receive a single coordinating center, which is important in modern conditions. The effectiveness of its work can only be tested by the practice.

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