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World Radio Day (February 13)

Every year on February 13, we celebrate World Radio Day. Despite the factthat today's era is characterized by various online platforms predominantlyused by teenagers and younger generations, radio still holds the top spot asthe most used medium in the world. The goal of World Radio Day is to remindlisteners of the importance of radio, freedom of expression in itsbroadcasting, and to reflect on the future of this global medium.

In Slovakia and around the world, there are several types of radio stations.From those that mainly play pop music to those that broadcast classical musicand evergreens, to news radio stations that aim to provide listeners with thelatest information. Radio is not just a means of listening to music, but inalmost every station, we also hear advertisements, traffic services warningabout road restrictions, phone interviews with listeners, and discussions withpoliticians or other famous personalities. Commercial radio stations try toattract more listeners by offering them the chance to win sometimes thousandsof dollars if they listen to their station throughout the day.

The fact that radio remains the most listened-to medium is understandable,as it offers various ways to present current events happening around the world,allows listeners to enjoy music they like, and some can win large sums of moneythrough the financial prizes offered by radio stations. Radio will continue toplay an important role in people's lives, especially for older generations, fora long time to come.

Nina Košútová