On the 15th of May 2017, in the Russian Center of the European Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture in Bratislava, was held an exhibition of books entitled "The History of Russian Culture in Persons".
The exposition was organized mainly from the books of the series "The Life of Remarkable People", which is widely represented in the library fund of the Russian Center.
Exposed books are written by well-known authors and represent the biography of no less famous cultural figures. Biographies and works of Y. Nikulin, E. Ryazanov, L. Orlova, K. Luchko, R. Zelenaya and others represent the art of cinematography. Russian poetry was represented by biographies of poets of different eras and directions - A. Pushkin, S. Yesenin, V. Vysotsky, B. Pasternak, A. Bely, and others.
In the music section of the exhibition there were books about composers I. Dunayevsky, D. Shostakovich and about the legendary singer L. Utesov.
The largest section of the exhibition was dedicated to Russian writers. The life and works of such world-famous writers as Lev Tolstoy, Fedor Dostoyevsky, Nikolay Gogol. At the exhibition you could familiarize with the difficult fates of the bright representatives of the Russian culture: the
poet of the Silver Age, the creator of the school of acmeism N. Gumilev, the Soviet scientist and writer L. Gumilev, the poet and translator, the Nobel Laureate I. Brodsky, one of the greatest poets of the ХХth century, the Nobel Laureate B. Pasternak, one of the founders of Russian symbolism D. Merezhkovsky and others.
The opening of the exhibition was attended by students of Russian language courses, employees of the Aircraft business center and compatriots. The exhibition was also attended by representatives of Russian business and compatriots from Austria. The opening of the exhibition attracted the attention of visitors to the library fund of the Russian Center. Visitors with pleasure took the magazines "Russian World.ru" and expressed delight about the content of the publication.