May 28, 2019 in Bratislava, in the Russian Center of Science and Culture a seminar of Russian scientists (Russianists) and teachers of Russian language took place.
The seminar was organized by the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Bratislava, the Association of Slovak Russianists and the Honorary Consulate of Slovakia in the Prevolzhsky Federal District in the city of Perm.
The topic of the seminar “Modern trends: development of educational initiatives” aroused great interest among the participants, especially among the Russian language teachers, and led to an active discussion.
The seminar was attended by all teachers and staff of the Russian Center of the European Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture in Bratislava.
The main report was made by teachers of a private school from the city of Perm, in which they presented their project “Talent Accelerator”. They raised a wide range of issues of school education: methods of revealing the individuality of the student, the development of bilingual education, the role of culture.
The seminar was attended by leading Russianists from Slovakia, Austria and Russia. In their presentations, the seminar participants noted the importance of personality formation in the learning process, and this is possible only when the teacher is also a personality.
Also, topical issues of teaching subjects in Russian in bilingual gymnasiums, education through culture, ability to master the language through learning skills, and not training only for passing tests, were considered.
The lecturers of universities and gymnasiums, the authors of textbooks on Russian as a foreign language and methods of bilingual education have performed. The seminar participants asked many questions, argued and discussed.
At the end of the seminar, the participants were presented with a report on the history and culture of the Perm Region, and a film and a photo-exhibition with vivid views of the city of Perm were showed. This cultural excursion was devoted to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, which is celebrated throughout Russia these days.