On November 28, 2019, in the city of Levice, in the gymnasium named after Andrey Vrabla and in the school at the Podlouzhenka, open lessons of the Russian language and culture were held., At the request of these educational institutions, the Russian center of the European Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture organized lessons in the classrooms of the school and gymnasium.
The upcoming holidays set the topic for lessons. What are the traditions of celebration New Year and Christmas in Russia? What is the difference between Orthodox and Catholic Christmas? At the beginning of the lesson students watched a beautiful presentation on the screen, and then asked questions.
During the discussion, students revealed a huge number of coincidences in festive traditions, in home and Christmas tree decorations, wishes and gifts, remembered the same sayings in Russian and Slovak.
But the schoolchildren and students were especially interested in the differences in celebration - the chimes of Bells on New Year's Eve and the
president’s speech, fortune-telling on Christmas Eve and recipes for the traditional Russian salads like "Olivye" and "Herring under a fur coat".