On April 4, 1945, Bratislava was completely liberated from Nazi occupation by the Red Army.
During the Bratislava-Brno operation under the command of Marshal Rodion Malinovsky on April 2, Soviet troops broke through the external
defense of the city which was controlled by German troops. For two days, the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, with the support of the ships of the Danube Flotilla, fought fierce street battles. Romanian divisions also took part in the liberation of the city. Residents of the city gratefully greeted the Red Army, seeing it as a liberator.
This year, despite quarantine measures related to restrictions on the spread of coronavirus, the country's leadership and residents celebrated the anniversary of the liberation. Celebrations took place at the Slavin memorial complex, where 6845 Soviet soldiers who died during the liberation of Bratislava and the surrounding areas are buried. Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Igor Matovic laid flowers.
The leadership of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of Slovakia laid flowers at the national monument of the liberation of Bratislava. “Today we honored the memory of all the heroes who did not afraid 75 years ago and gave the most valuable thing in their struggle against the fascist regime in the liberation of Bratislava - their own lives. It is very important that we should never forget these events, " said Defense Minister Yaroslav Nad after the ceremony.
The Russian Ministry of Defense has published a number of declassified documents from the funds of the Central Military Archive regarding the
liberation of Bratislava from Nazi occupation. See here http://bratislava75.mil.ru/
Slovak media widely covered these events. The Russian Center of the European Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture in Bratislava held a discussion on this topic with students of Russian language courses. Many of them are well aware of the history of World War II.
On this day, as in 1945, a salute was held in Moscow in honor of the liberation of Bratislava.
More details:
Events in honor of the liberation of Bratislava
Brothers and glory. On April 4, 1945, the Red Army liberated the capital of Slovakia, Bratislava
Minister obrany si pripomenul 75. výročie oslobodenia Bratislavy
Ľudia z mnohých regiónov Slovenska si na Slavíne pripomenuli 75. výročie oslobodenia Bratislavy
75. výročie oslobodenia mesta Bratislava
Pred 75 rokmi Bratislavu oslobodila od nemeckého nacizmu a fašizmu Červená armáda. Na počesť triumfálnej cesty osloboditeľov až do Berlína ohňostroj a delové salvy na Poklonnej gore v Moskve
Fireworks in honor of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Bratislava
In Moscow, the fireworks thundered in honor of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Bratislava
The article used photographs from the following sources:
PETIT PRESS https://domov.sme.sk/, Heuréka Evolution – HS https://www.hlavnespravy.sk/, MAGNET PRESS SLOVAKIA https://www.vydavatelstvo-mps.sk/,