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August 19 Apple Spas

Apple Spas is celebrated every year on August 19, and it coincides with the Orthodox feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Our ancestors harvested apples on this day. The fruits were consecrated in churches and harvested for the winter.

August 14 Honey spas

In 2023, as every year, it is celebrated on August 14 and coincides with the beginning of the Dormition Fast. It was believed that it was by this date that the honey in the hives ripened to full readiness and could be harvested.

International Youth Day

International Youth Day is celebrated annually on August 12. This day is dedicated to young people and highlights their importance and contribution to the whole world. The holiday was established by the UN General Assembly on December 17, 1999, on the recommendation of the World Conference of Ministers of Youth held in Lisbon (Portugal) from August 8 until August 12, 1998.

12th of August International Youth Day.

International Youth Day was established by the UN General Assembly on December 17, 1999 on the proposal of the World Conference of Ministers of Youth held in Lisbon on August 8-12, 1998. Resolution No. 54/120.

The Conference recommended the organization of promotional activities in support of the Day in order to raise awareness, especially among young people, of the World Programme of Action for Youth to the Year 2000 and Beyond, adopted by the Assembly in 1995.

On August 9, the great martyr and healer Panteleimon is venerated in the church.

They pray to St. Panteleimon for good health and a cure for all diseases. The saint is considered the patron saint of doctors and the sick, so on the day of Panteleimon they go to the temple and light a candle for the wounded  - the saint is able to heal even the most seriously ill.

Hiroshima Memorial Day or why Hiroshima and Nagasaki should be remembered

On August 6, the whole world remembers the victims of the atomic bombing in Hiroshima. 78 years ago, the Americans dropped an atomic bomb called Little Boy on this city. Hiroshima was destroyed. Approximately 80,000 residents died immediately in the attack, and tens of thousands more gradually died in the hospital from the effects of radiation.