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Easter or Bright Sunday of Christ is the main holiday of all Christians on the Planet and it does not matter at all what concession they belong to

Easter or Bright Sunday of Christ is the main holiday of all Christians on the Planet and it does not matter at all what concession they belong to.
Easter is the triumph of Life over Death.
In 2022, Easter falls on April 17th.
Orthodox Easter in 2022 is celebrated later - April 24th.

Educational meeting for young listeners about health

Recently, an unusual event took place in the Foundation of Ukrainian Literature and Culture and the European Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture in Bratislava, the goal was an educational meeting for young listeners about health. The mother of one of the boys, who are now studying at our center, came to the schoolchildren. It was this fact that became the driving force of the event, because she perceived every child who was present in the hall as her own.

The European Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture hosted a thematic event “Through the Pages of the Past… Cosmonautics Day”

On April 12, 2022, the European Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture hosted a thematic event “Through the Pages of the Past… Cosmonautics Day”, dedicated to the first manned flight into space.

Prečo nebude Zelený štvrtok či Veľkonočný pondelok? Nové názvy sviatočných dní vysvetlil odborník

Zvykať si musia najmä v kostoloch, ale tohtoročná Veľká noc bude nezvyčajná nielen z pohľadu katolíckej cirkvi na Slovensku.

Sviatočné dni Veľkej noci dostali nové pomenovania. Úpravy v názvoch sú podľa hovorcu Konferencie Biskupov Slovenska (KBS) Martina Kramaru snahou o väčšiu „vernosť latinskému originálu". Nové pomenovania sú totiž bližšie výrazom v omšovej knihe Rímsky misál.

Nové vydanie tejto liturgickej knihy platí od 1. januára a slovenské vydanie uvádza názvy sviatkov po novom. Preto pomenovania Zelený štvrtok, Veľký piatok, Biela sobota či Veľkonočná nedeľa majú svoju náhradu.

"Ukrainian writers for children"

April 12, 2022 in the Fund of Ukrainian Literature and Culture in Bratislava, an exhibition of books on the subject: “Ukrainian writers for children” was opened. The opening of the exhibition was attended by children who arrived from Ukraine, teachers and guests of the foundation.
The exposition is represented by a large set of books on this subject from the library from Fund of Ukrainian Literature and Culture. Ukrainian literature has come a long way of development in order to reach the level that exists at the moment. Ukrainian writers have contributed throughout time. And it must be said that modern Ukrainian writers are very different from the authors who laid the foundation for Ukrainian literature. But one thing has remained unchanged - the love of the native language.

Master class on making a Ukrainian motanka traditional doll

On April 8, 2022, a master class on making motanka traditional dolls was held at the European Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture with the Foun of Ukrainian Literature and Culture. The event was attended by children who arrived from Ukraine from 7 to 13 years old, as well as adults. The purpose of the lesson is to develop children's interest in the origins of folk art.