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Children from Ukraine master the vocabulary of the Slovak language

On April 1, 2022, regular classes for children from Ukraine were held to study the Slovak language with the support of teachers from the European Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture, the Foundation of Ukrainian Literature and Culture, the "Spektr"and "Mova Kalinova" language schools, and the Private Slavic Gymnasium in Bratislava.

Conference on the theme "Industrial strategy of Slovakia in the 21st century"

On March 31, 2022, the European Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture hosted a scientific and practical conference on the topic "Industrial strategy of Slovakia in the 21st century". The conference was organized by the Public Association "VyReZ" and the Slovak Association of University Graduates.

Konferencia na tému «Priemyselná stratégia Slovenska pre 21. Storočie»

Dňa 31. marca 2022 sa v Európskom fonde slovanskej pisomnosti a kultúry uskutočnila vedecká a praktická konferencia na tému „Priemyselná stratégia Slovenska v 21. storočí“.
Organizátormi konferencie boli Verejné združenie „VyReZ“ a Slovenská asociácia absolventov vysokých škôl.
Základom konferencie bola prezentácia unikátnej knihy inžiniera Luboslava Khabana s rovnomenným názvom. Autor je odborníkom na medzinárodný obchod, obchod a strategický marketing. Počas svojej 42-ročnej odbornej praxe pôsobil dlhé roky ako zahraničný obchodný zástupca Česko-Slovenska a Slovenskej republiky vo viacerých krajinách, hovorí po anglicky, španielsky, portugalsky, rusky, taliansky a nemecky.

Implementation of the project on linguistic and socio-cultural adaptation of children of refugees and temporarily displaced from Ukraine

The European Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture and the Foundation of Ukrainian Literature and Culture, together with the Private Slavic Gymnasium (Bratislava), with the support of Ukrainian compatriots for three weeks, have been implementing a project of language and socio-cultural adaptation of children who came with their parents from Ukraine.

Slovak language for children of refugees and displaced from Ukraine

The European Foundation of Slavonic Literature and Culture and the Foundation of Ukrainian Literature and Culture continue to help children of refugees and displaced people from Ukraine in teaching the Slovak language and Slovak culture. Our classes are free and it is a huge support for those who want to learn more about the country they are currently in.

Sociocultural classes for children of refugees and displaced from Ukraine

On March 18, 2022, employees of the European Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture and the Foundation of Ukraininan Literature and Culture met children from Ukraine within their walls for the next socio-cultural adaptation classes.

Classes with children who came with their parents from Ukraine are held in cooperation with the Private Slavic Gymnasium in Bratislava with the active support of specialists in working with children from among compatriots.