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The International Literary Online Marathon "Reading Pushkin's Lines" has started in Slovakia

On June 6, the International Literary Online Marathon "Reading Pushkin's Lines" started in Slovakia.

The event is timed to the Day of the Russian Language, which is celebrated on the birthday of the classic of Russian literature - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

The series of open lessons "Art in War, War in Art" took place in Bratislava

From 6 to 24 May 2021, the Russian Center ofthe European Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture held a series of openlessons dedicated to the exhibition "Art in War, War in Art". Theexhibition is currently held at the Aircraft Gallery of the European Foundationof Slavic Literature and Culture and is dedicated to the 80th anniversary ofthe outbreak of World War II. The events were held in small groups, taking intoaccount antiquated measures.

Festive events in honor of Victory Day were held in Bratislava

On May 8-9, solemn events dedicated to the 76th anniversary of the victory over fascism took place in Bratislava.

For the second year, Bratislava celebrates this day amid social restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic.

A holiday with tears on eyes

May 7, 2021 for students of the gymnasium named after Ivan Horvat (Bratislava) an open lesson "Holiday with tears on the eyes" took place online. It was dedicated to the 76th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. More than 30 people took part in the event: students and teachers of the gymnasium, guests from Russia and Austria.

Demining of Bratislava "Checked, no mines"

Bratislava was liberated on April 4, 1945. By the end of April all of Slovakia was liberated. However, retreating, the German troops left many mined houses, roads and streets.

Events dedicated to the 106th anniversary of the genocide of the Armenian people took place in Slovakia

On the eve of the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Armenian Genocide, the Russian Center of the European Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture (EFSLK) held a number of commemorative events.