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Seminar on the Russian language and culture "Ethnic and religious diversity of Russia"

On the 9th of April 2019 in the Russian center of the European Fund of Slavic Literature and Culture in Bratislava, a seminar on the Russian language on the theme “Ethnic and religious diversity of Russia” was held.

Open lessons on the Russian language were held in the gymnasium named after Albert Einstein.

On the 1st of April 2019, in Bratislava, in the bilingual gymnasium named after Albert Einstein, open Russian language classes took place on the theme “Russian language in my future”.

Open lessons on the Russian language were held in the gymnasium named after Ivan Horvat

On the 1st of April 2019, in Bratislava, in the bilingual gymnasium named after Ivan Horvat, open Russian language classes took place on the theme “Russian language in my future”.

The Russian Center hosted a seminar on “Innovative technologies in bilingual education”

On the 1st of April 2019 in the Russian Center of the European Fund of Slavic Literature and Culture in Bratislava, a scientific-practical seminar was held on the topic “Innovative technologies in bilingual education”.

Open lesson at the Russian Center for students of boarding school

On the 26th of March 2019, an open lesson on Russian literature and contemporary art was held at the Russian Center of the European Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture in Bratislava.

The contest "Russian word" was held in Kosice

On the 5th of April 2019, the 13th annual all-Slovakian Contest "Russian Word" was held in the city of Kosice.

This year the theme of the competition is a phrase from a popular Russian song - “Friendship begins with a smile.” Participants traditionally competed in the following nominations: reading poetry and prose, performing of Russian songs solo and in ensemble.