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International educational-practical conference "Geopolitics of Russia"

International educational-practical conference "Geopolitics of Russia"28.04.2016 In Bratislava at conference hall of the hotel Holiday Inn, was held an international educational-practical conference on "The Geopolitics of Russia." The organizers of the event were the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Slovak Republic and a branch of the Institute of International and Public Relations (IMOS Prague).

Exhibition of children's books

Exhibition of children's books

25th April 2016, in Russian centre „European Fund of Slavic literacy and culture" was held opening of the exhibition of children's books.

The exhibition was created from selected books from the library and the Russian centre was dedicated to the International Day of children's books.

Bratislava Liberation date ceremony

Bratislava Liberation date ceremony
On April 4, a solemn ceremony dedicated to the Day of Liberation of Bratislava was held at the Slavin memorial in Bratislava.

Opening of the Russian Centre in Bratislava

Opening of the Russian Centre in Bratislava
On the 30 of March 2016 in Bratislava, in the European fundation of Slavic Script and Culture, the Russian Centre was opened.

The opening ceremony was attended by officials, public figures, representatives of the creative intelligence, students of Russian philology and grammar. There were also friends and partners Arrived from other cities of Slovakia, Austria and Hungary. The procedure was started with the cutting of red stripe. Guests were greeted by the women in Russian national costumes and young people in T-shirts with symbols of the «Russian world». Then, according to the folk tradition of the Russian Centre premises were consecrated by the Emeritus Archbishop of Prague and Metropolitan of the Czech Lands and Slovakia Christopher. The guests got acquainted with the centre and its capabilities. The celebration continued in the halls of Aircraft Gallery.

Project: June. 22. On the human side.

Project: June. 22. On the human side.
Empathy indicates the ability to imagine yourself in the place of another. What does the generation of 20 - 30 year old artists think about that war, and, in particular, about the very beginning of it? What should a person feel if he would be suddenly overtaken by the war? What images can be born about this terrible war in minds of generations of 90s that are living, seemingly in a different country and in works of artists who had never painted about this topic?

Round table on «The fight against terrorism, geopolitical challenges in Europe, Europe and Russia»

Round table on «The fight against terrorism, geopolitical challenges in Europe, Europe and Russia»On the 3d of February 2016, in Bratislava, in AIRCRAFT Business Center was hosted a roundtable discussion on the highly topical theme «The fight against terrorism, geopolitical challenges in Europe, Europe and Russia».

The initiators of the round table were well-known in Slovakia writer and journalist, member of the Slovak Parliament, member of the PACE Sergey Helemendik and The President of the European Academy of Security and Conflictology, the President of the European Foundation for Slavic Literature and Culture, member of Council of Europe, Professor Igor Bondarenko.

The topic of the round table was not chosen by chance. On Slovak television in various institutions and on the streets sounds the theme of terrorism, Europe's future and relations with Russia.

As keynote speaker was invited a famous Russian writer, a political scientist and publicist Nikolai Starikov. He spoke about his vision of the political situation in the world, the causes of migration flows in Europe, the origins of terrorism, relations between Slovakia and Russia.